There are many ways to practice AP® Environmental Science (APES) math. As a teacher, you will decide which approach is best your own students. You may have students who find …
Resources By Kristi Schertz — kristi@teachingapscience.com
There are many ways to practice AP® Environmental Science (APES) math. As a teacher, you will decide which approach is best your own students. You may have students who find …
Students and many teachers struggle with El Nino. Being in California, we have an advantage in that we know what “normal” conditions are so its easier to understand the “opposite …
Students can use this worksheet to practice graphing LD-50 data. This is an important skill for the APES exam. Students will also practice dimensional analysis questions using LD-50 numbers.
I don’t always have time for students to do a lab. Every day is precious. And, sometimes I don’t have the funds to do a certain lab. Sometimes, I find …
One of the most common (and important!) labs in AP® Environmental Science is the Soil Salinization Lab. There are many versions of the lab that are great. This is a …
Things will go wrong in ecocolumns, they always do. And that’s part of the magic of ecocolumns. Being able to say “hmmm” or “huh, I don’t know” and being okay …
Updated Spring 2019! This year, I revised my Kill-A-Watt lab with a lot more math, better leading questions to help students to figure out the concepts, a phenomena that is …
A great way to teach Tragedy of the Commons is with a “fishing” activity. There are many ways to run this simulation that are wonderful. Some teachers use goldfish crackers, …
Students learn not only about the effects of increasing acidity in the ocean on marine organisms, but also practice their experimental design skills in this Ocean Acidification Lab. In addition, …
Ecocolumns can teach the kids A LOT of scientific concepts if you are purposeful with the learning. If not, the kids just enjoy growing plants and having a fish and …
When I was beginning science teacher 20 years ago, a very wise science education professor told me to find the money and don’t buy supplies for my class out of …
Sometimes new teachers panic when they see all the shiny probes, grow lights and data measuring stuff that veteran teachers have. Don’t worry…most of us started out with limited supplies …
After two weeks of draining your ecocolumns, its time to build the aquatic chamber. DO NOT RUSH this step. No fish for two more days! Student directions for building ecocolumns. …
After weeks of your students being excited about getting a fish, today is the day! Word of caution–don’t add a fish for two weeks after building the initial column and …
Owl pellet dissection is used to teach ecology topics such as food webs, biomass pyramids and energy loss. Buying Pellets and Materials. Both small and large pellets work with this …
Adding worms is almost as much fun as getting a fish! (NO FISH for two weeks–seriously, don’t do it) After a week of letting the seeds germinate and grow, its …
On the second day of building ecocolumns, students add seeds and begin taking data. (This can be the second hour of a block period). Before they do this, however, they …
Students thoroughly enjoy building ecocolumns. Building usually takes 2 full periods (45-55 min) or one block period. The example here is of an an ecocolumn with three chambers, a terrestrial …
Students thoroughly enjoy building ecocolumns. The supplies here are for an ecocolumn with three chambers: A terrestrial chamber on the top with soil, plants and invertebrates, a filter chamber with …
I believe explaining WHY I do something in class is important for students. While they don’t get to decide or vote on the way my class is run, explaining the …
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