In Unit 8, students must know a lot! The Course and Exam Description for AP® Environmental Science lists diseases and toxins they need to know. This is nice, because in years past, we as teachers were always guessing which ones the AP®
Exam would ask about. The slides, charts and videos for these are linked below.

Disease Chart
Use this slide presentation while students fill in this chart. This can be done in class or for homework. If I do not have enough class time, I will film the lecture and assign on Edpuzzle. In addition, students need to know how urban ecology has increased disease transmission both locally and globally. A video of this presentation is found on my YouTube Channel.
Toxin Chart
Students also need to know a list of toxins which are in various places in the Course and Exam Description. This slide presentation discusses all of the toxins they need to know. Students fill out the chart in class or for homework. A video of this presentation is found on my YouTube Channel.
These items are strictly content for memorization, but students will need to apply this content is more complex application or skill questions on the AP® exam.
* AP®
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