One way to help students memorize the 3 atmospheric processes they need to know for the AP®
Exam is to have them draw. Research indicates that sketching or drawing information helps students learn. From my own experience, drawing with chalk helps my students memorize better than drawing on paper. Its a fun activity in groups and the kids truly learn. The 3 processes are:
- Tropospheric Ozone Formation (ground-level ozone in smog)
- Stratospheric Ozone Depletion (the ozone hole)
- Acid Deposition (Acid Rain)
Supplies for Chalk Drawing
I use chalk, because it is the most economical (and eco-friendly) choice. The best chalk is from IKEA–seriously. A few boxes will last the entire year or more. Since I teach 170 students in APES, this is the best option for me.
Neon Expo Markers are another good option. You can write a mini-grant or a request on Donors Choose to fund them.
You can write on lab tables if you have the standard science black finish. If not, you can draw with chalk outside.

Instructions for Chalk Drawing
My students follow the instructions on this document. I do not have them look up information and make their own drawing, because I do not want them looking up and copying diagrams on the internet. I want them to draw out the processes with the details and specifics that have been asked on released AP®
Exams. They will learn when they use their brains to make pictures.

We do the 3 drawings on separate days so that students keep the details separate in their brains. Each processes takes about 20 minutes to do and my students work in groups of 4.

I check the drawings when they are fineshed and then they erase with water and paper towels. It is an activity that truly helps students learn the complicated processes needed for the AP exam.
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