Read about the AP® Exam in these various posts. You can also find out the basics of the APES exam on this College Board website.
Read to find out various ways to Review for the AP® Exam
Learn what my post-exam surveys indicate about: What Do Students Think is Best for AP Exam Review?
The 2020 exam has changed, but we can use past data to help us know how close students are to passing the AP Exam: AP® Released Exams, Score Predictions, & the Final Exam “Curve”
The AP Exam requires students to use higher level thinking skills called Science Practices. These skills need just as much focus as content. Read how the last released exam in 2016 had more of these questions: APES Exam and Bloom’s Taxonomy/Depth of Knowledge

This post has one great way to peer grade FRQs: Peer Grading FRQs using Google Forms and Spreadsheets by Katy Sturges
This post describes another way to peer grade using highlighters: FRQs and Peer Grading
Giving full FRQs at the beginning of the year can be difficult for many reasons. Here are some strategies for Using and Teaching FRQs in Science
Practice and Released exams are helpful tools for prepareing students Read how to Find and Use Practice and Released Exams in APES
Pacing is essential: February = AP® Exam Pacing Check