1000+ Questions covering each section in each unit of all 9 units

This Is The BIG One!
This bundle of over 1,000 unit content quiz questions covering every section in every unit will let you easily make reading quizzes, content quizzes and formative assessments. These are basic knowledge questions, not higher skill questions. You have 1000+ questions to provide choice and the ability to create retakes for mastery or standards based learning.
The purpose of this complete set of 9 content quiz question banks consisting of over 1,000 questions is as a homework or notes check to carry you through the entire year (To view samples of the questions please see the individual unit download pages). Students often copy reading guides or do not pay attention to video notes but will pay more attention when they have a quiz. These question banks are here to help solve that problem.
How I Use These Quiz Questions
I use these questions by assigning about 10 pages/1-2 sections/1 module of reading along with supplemental videos on Edpuzzle or AP® Daily as homework. Students take a content quiz during the first few minutes of class. My quizzes are open note/open book but timed at 30 seconds per question as I do not expect students to memorize information the first time they read or hear it so they can reference notes/books as needed, but the timer prevents kids from “winging it” and not reading or doing notes.
I typically cover several topics in a quiz so I will take the best questions from each topic and combine them into a 12-15 question quiz, but you can use them as-is below. The number of questions per topic ranges from 8 to 31 depending on how much content is in each section and how much students are expected to know. There are a total of 130+ questions for this unit.
Question Level
These are DOK1 and DOK2 questions designed only to check for content. Use AP® Classroom questions for higher level questions to train students how to use the content in skill questions. AP® Classroom does not provide enough questions per topic for basic content quizzes which is why I created this product.
You are welcome to edit for your own classes, but do NOT upload to the internet or as a document or PDF on an LMS (learning management system) as students often download documents and answer keys and upload to cheating sites such as Course Hero.
If you would like to share with a colleague, be sure to buy an extra license to the product.
This product is not affiliated nor endorsed by the College Board.
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