Students thoroughly enjoy building ecocolumns. Building usually takes 2 full periods (45-55 min) or one block period. The example here is of an an ecocolumn with three chambers, a terrestrial chamber on the top with soil, plants and invertebrates, a filter chamber with sand and gravel, and an aquatic chamber with fish and water plants. For supplies needed, read the previous post.
For step by step instructions, download this free resource.
Update 2022: I changed things in my own classes slightly. Instead of burning holes in lids for drainage, I use screen door material purchased from the hardware store. The instruction sheet above has updates and updated pictures below.
Cutting the bottles
This is a “how-to” video explaining how to cut the bottles and create drainage holes in the lids.
I give my students a set of picture instructions. These instructions can be downloaded for free on Teachers Pay Teachers.
Cutting and filling usually takes the first day.

Updates 2022: Use screen door material instead of burning holes. Purchase a roll of screen and it will last you several years.

Filling the Bottles
This video shows you how to fill the ecocolumn chambers:
Below are some pictures of how to fill the chambers. Please DO NOT make an aquatic chamber at this time. Many dead fish have resulted from making the aquatic chamber too soon. You must wait 2 weeks.

At this point, students can clean up or if in a block period, they can go onto draining, planting seeds, setting up data, and taking soil data.
10 thoughts on “Cutting and Filling Ecocolumns”